
Left from top to bottom:
A Rectangular Enamelled Bazuband
(front and reverse)
North India 19th C., 7cm x 3.5cm
Arsi (Mirror Ring)
North India 19th C., diameter: 4cm, shank: 2.5cm
Gold Dragon Ring
Royal Collection, Thailand, height: 4cm, width: 3.5cm
Right from top to bottom:
A Pair of Diamond Peacock Earrings
Lucknow 19th C., diameter: 4cm
Allulakh A Large Pair of Gold Earrings
India Gujarat 19th C., 8.5cm x 3.8cm
Gold Necklace
India Madhya Pradesh, 88cm x 1.5cm
Saturday 2:30 - 7pm
cheese & wine
at Altfield Gallery
248-9, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Susan Ollemans will be returning to the
Altfield Gallery in May with an exciting
collection of Indian Mughal jewellery and
related items from China, Cambodia,
Thailand, Burma and Indonesia.
In the past these exhibitions have
concentrated on the jewels of the Indian
Subcontinent but this year it expands
through out the region showing the close
relationship one had with another.
